Bassline Digital HD 2S toothpick FPV drone built-in Walksnail or HDZERO VTX
Etwa 48g, schwebt 4:30min an 2s 450mAh.
Die originalen Gemfan 2023 triblade props sind besser geeignet an den 11000kv Motoren.
Bassline Digital HD 2S toothpick FPV drone built-in Walksnail or HDZERO VTX
Etwa 48g, schwebt 4:30min an 2s 450mAh.
Die originalen Gemfan 2023 triblade props sind besser geeignet an den 11000kv Motoren.
I built a small 1s digital whoop with WalkSnail.
Based on a Mobula 7 frame, T-Motor F411 AIO 13A 1s, RcINpower 1002 motors with Gemfan 1610 props, BetaFPV ELRS lite and the Walksnail VTX lite.
It weighs 34g, a 1s Lipo 550mAh has 14g. Flight-time with Tattu 1s 500mAh is 3:15. The GNB claiming 550mAh are only at 2:45.
UART1 = ELSR, UART2 = WalkSnail (CRSF), the motors are directly soldered. I used the original BLHeli_32 suite to fix the motor directions. The canopy is from https://www.printables.com/de/model/504099-rotorriot-vision40-prints.
OSD activation is a bit tricky:
set osd_displayport_device = MSP
set displayport_msp_serial = 1
Complete Diff:
# diff all
# version
# Betaflight / STM32F411 (S411) 4.3.1 Jul 13 2022 / 03:32:52
(8d4f005) MSP API: 1.44
# config: manufacturer_id: TMTR, board_name: TMOTORF411,
version: edcd244b, date: 2022-06-29T02:24:46Z
# start the command batch
batch start
# reset configuration to default settings
defaults nosave
board_name TMOTORF411
manufacturer_id TMTR
mcu_id 003700413236510435383430
# name: V40
# feature
feature -LED_STRIP
# serial
serial 0 64 115200 57600 0 115200
serial 1 1 115200 57600 0 115200
# beeper
beeper -ON_USB
# beacon
beacon RX_LOST
beacon RX_SET
# map
map TAER1234
# aux
aux 0 0 0 1750 2100 0 0
aux 1 1 1 1700 2100 0 0
aux 2 13 2 1700 2100 0 0
aux 3 35 2 1750 2100 0 0
# master
set gyro_lpf1_static_hz = 0
set gyro_lpf2_static_hz = 0
set dyn_notch_count = 2
set dyn_notch_min_hz = 100
set dyn_notch_max_hz = 1000
set gyro_lpf1_dyn_min_hz = 0
set gyro_lpf1_dyn_max_hz = 750
set acc_calibration = 55,52,-4,1
set mag_hardware = NONE
set baro_hardware = NONE
set rc_smoothing_auto_factor = 80
set rc_smoothing_setpoint_cutoff = 25
set rc_smoothing_feedforward_cutoff = 25
set serialrx_provider = CRSF
set rx_spi_protocol = EXPRESSLRS
set dshot_bidir = ON
set motor_pwm_protocol = DSHOT300
set motor_poles = 12
set align_board_pitch = -4
set vbat_max_cell_voltage = 440
set ibata_scale = 400
set ibata_offset = -1700
set beeper_dshot_beacon_tone = 3
set yaw_motors_reversed = ON
set small_angle = 180
set pid_process_denom = 1
set simplified_gyro_filter_multiplier = 150
set osd_cap_alarm = 450
set osd_vbat_pos = 2432
set osd_link_quality_pos = 2048
set osd_tim_2_pos = 2080
set osd_throttle_pos = 2368
set osd_current_pos = 2464
set osd_mah_drawn_pos = 2528
set osd_display_name_pos = 0
set osd_warnings_pos = 14355
set osd_displayport_device = MSP
set debug_mode = GYRO_SCALED
set displayport_msp_serial = 1
set rpm_filter_harmonics = 2
set name = V40
profile 0
# profile 0
set vbat_sag_compensation = 100
set anti_gravity_gain = 10000
set iterm_relax_cutoff = 10
set p_pitch = 67
set i_pitch = 120
set d_pitch = 76
set f_pitch = 199
set p_roll = 64
set i_roll = 115
set d_roll = 67
set f_roll = 191
set p_yaw = 64
set i_yaw = 115
set f_yaw = 191
set d_min_roll = 67
set d_min_pitch = 76
set thrust_linear = 40
set feedforward_averaging = 2_POINT
set feedforward_smooth_factor = 45
set feedforward_jitter_factor = 10
set dyn_idle_min_rpm = 35
set simplified_master_multiplier = 160
set simplified_d_gain = 140
set simplified_pi_gain = 90
set simplified_dmax_gain = 0
profile 1
# profile 1
set dterm_lpf1_dyn_min_hz = 100
set dterm_lpf1_dyn_max_hz = 125
set dterm_lpf1_type = BIQUAD
set dterm_lpf2_static_hz = 0
set vbat_sag_compensation = 100
set anti_gravity_gain = 4500
set crash_recovery = ON
set iterm_relax_cutoff = 12
set p_pitch = 58
set i_pitch = 83
set d_pitch = 70
set f_pitch = 124
set p_roll = 56
set i_roll = 79
set d_roll = 61
set f_roll = 119
set p_yaw = 56
set i_yaw = 79
set f_yaw = 119
set d_min_roll = 52
set d_min_pitch = 59
set thrust_linear = 40
set dyn_idle_min_rpm = 60
set simplified_master_multiplier = 125
set simplified_i_gain = 80
set simplified_d_gain = 140
set simplified_dmax_gain = 50
set simplified_feedforward_gain = 80
set simplified_dterm_filter = OFF
profile 2
# restore original profile selection
profile 1
rateprofile 0
# rateprofile 0
set thr_mid = 42
set thr_expo = 30
set rates_type = BETAFLIGHT
set roll_rc_rate = 100
set pitch_rc_rate = 100
set yaw_rc_rate = 100
set roll_expo = 40
set pitch_expo = 40
set roll_srate = 80
set pitch_srate = 80
set yaw_srate = 80
rateprofile 1
# rateprofile 1
set rates_type = BETAFLIGHT
set roll_rc_rate = 80
set pitch_rc_rate = 80
set yaw_rc_rate = 80
set roll_expo = 40
set pitch_expo = 40
set roll_srate = 70
set pitch_srate = 70
set yaw_srate = 70
rateprofile 2
rateprofile 3
rateprofile 4
rateprofile 5
# restore original rateprofile selection
rateprofile 0
# save configuration